venerdì 26 febbraio 2010

Cos'e' che fai?

As Usability Analyst I'm involved in providing solution to improve the User Experience on the online Company's products.
Those product can be the main ones (Y, X, Z, W, etc..) or a specific "service" such as "Help" or "Registration", etc...
Sometimes I work on international projects as well (Company Italy).

To do this, I use a method which includes several phases:

- gathering the requirements;
- definition of the target;
- analysis of the available data (the tough part!);
- etc...

After this first phase, and knowing the target we care about, all the rest is about Users and how to match their needs and the Company's goals.
This means, looking after the user flow through the pages, the definition of the important areas and items on the page, the interactions, the feedback...
The final part of my job is to interact with the Designer who makes all this possible, in the correct Look&Feel according to the Company's brand identity.
So, data about Users are foundamental in my job, because if the information is wrong or incomplete, the User Experience will miss the target.

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