mercoledì 14 aprile 2010

Wanted: Information Architect

Questo secondo me rientra erroneamente nella categoria IA. Qui si tratta di info design. mi sbaglio?

You will be responsible for:
  • Segmenting users.
  • Producing user profiles and personas.
  • Creating detailed content inventories.
  • Producing detailed sitemaps that document the structure of websites.
  • Developing taxonomies and validating them through card sorting and related user testing techniques.
  • Producing annotated wireframe designs of webpages and components.
  • Producing process flows that encapsulate business, user and system logic.
  • Producing prototypes - from lo-fidelity paper prototypes to high-fidelity HTML mock-ups.
  • Producing controlled vocabularies and thesauri.
  • Producing metadata frameworks based upon established standards like DublinCore and RDF.
  • Developing content migration plans.
  • Producing documentation in industry standard formats (where they exist) - e.g. UML / JJG's Visual Vocabulary.
  • Combining all of the above within detailed functional design documents.

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